Oregon’s First Satellite, “OreSat”, Will Use Alta Devices Solar Technology
Alta’s Uniquely Flexible, Lightweight and Efficient Solar Modules
Enable Innovative Power Designs for Small Satellites
LOGAN, Utah.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#Flydifferent–Several players in the small satellite field are using Alta
Devices solar technology in their exhibits at this week’s 31st
Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites taking place in Logan,
Utah. These projects highlight Alta Devices unique flexible, lightweight
and high efficiency solar power solution for the emerging small
satellite market.
“Highly integrated electronics, novel sensor technologies, and
micro-propulsion systems are enabling small satellites such as CubeSats
to expand into missions that traditionally have been possible only with
large satellites,” said Portland State University Professor Andrew
Greenberg. Greenberg is the faculty advisor behind Oregon’s first
satellite, OreSat, one of the organizations using Alta Devices
technology. “These new capabilities always require more electrical
power, which need larger solar arrays, necessitating the use of a
flexible, powerful and easy to integrate solar cell. We’re very excited
to be working with Alta Devices solar technology on our OreSat CubeSat
project. These cells can be easily handled by students, don’t require
traditionally painstaking encapsulation techniques, and are surprisingly
affordable. And they provide excellent power output compared to other
Often only the size of a loaf of bread and weighing less than 15kg,
CubeSats have been leading the small satellite revolution. Typically
placed into low-earth orbits a few hundred kilometers in altitude,
CubeSats have standardized dimensions and often use commercial,
off-the-shelf technologies. This results in satellites with
significantly lower costs that are much easier to launch. CubeSats are
thus in a strong position to serve the burgeoning demand for space-based
assets, such as real-time remote sensing for Earth observation,
precision agriculture and on-demand satellite data communications. These
new opportunities have sparked an exploding class of CubeSat-based
businesses, resulting in rapid growth in the small satellite industry.
CubeSats are beginning to create new kinds of products, services and
markets which are only possible with increased access to space.
Regardless of their design or application, all small satellites share
one attribute: the need for solar cells to generate electrical power.
Power is needed not only for computers, sensors, and communications, but
increasingly for novel technologies such as laser communications and
even electric propulsion. Until now, there have been no commercial solar
technologies that could match the improvement in cost, weight and ease
of use that other components of small satellite technology have
achieved: solar cells are traditionally expensive, fragile, rigid, and
difficult to encapsulate and robustly attach to spacecraft.
However, Alta Devices solar cells address all of these traditional
problems because they are flexible, easy to encapsulate and mount, and
provide high conversion efficiencies. For example, Alta Devices cells
can be mounted to thin, flexible, low-mass deployable structures
allowing creative design approaches to maximizing onboard solar power,
including coiled carbon fiber booms, flat-packed, polymer-based
accordion arrays, even inflatable structures. Alta Devices cells provide
a new level of mechanical and design flexibility for the small satellite
Alta Devices is exhibiting at the Small Satellite Conference this week
at Booth #213T. On display will be Alta Devices solar technologies and a
display of the OreSat satellite.
About OreSat
is Oregon’s first satellite. Part of the 2017 NASA CubeSat Launch
Initiative, OreSat is a vehicle for collaborative, interdisciplinary
aerospace engineering education for the state of Oregon. OreSat will
perform atmospheric science research and serve as a testbed for
innovative long-range WiFi, solar cell and satellite bus technologies,
all while providing innovative, STEM-based outreach to the entire state
of Oregon and beyond. More about OreSat can be found at http://oresat.org/.
About Alta Devices
Devices is (EM)POWERING THE UNPLUGGED WORLD™ by delivering the
world’s most efficient, thin and flexible mobile power technology. By
converting light of any kind into electricity, Alta Devices AnyLight™
power technology extends the energy source of a system, and in many
cases, completely cuts the traditional power cord. The solution can be
completely integrated into the final system, and is ideal for use in
small satellites, unmanned systems, consumer electronics, sensors,
automotive, remote exploration, or anywhere size, weight, and mobility
matter. Alta Devices holds world records for energy conversion
efficiency and is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA. For more information,
visit http://www.altadevices.com.
Alta Devices is a Hanergy company.
All trademarks and registered trademarks are those of their respective
For more press information contact:
Abigail Johnson/Paul Michelson, 650-802-1851
more customer information contact:
Alta Devices
Kapusta, 408-585-2050
Chief Marketing Officer
[email protected]