Object Management Group Announces Complimentary IIoT Standards at Work in Oil and Gas Event on September 27

BP America, Energistics, PTC, Real-Time Innovations and IIC to speak

Management Group® (OMG®),
an international, open membership,
not-for-profit technology standards consortium, today announced it will
host the OMG
Standards at Work in the IIoT: Focus on Oil and Gas
special event at
the Hyatt Regency New Orleans Hotel on September 27,from
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Registration
is complimentary and open to the public.

“The Oil & Gas industry is ripe for the application of Industrial
Internet of Things approaches and systems. Higher degrees of automation
and analytics will be required to lower operating costs, improve
equipment utilization, enhance oil recovery and improve safety,” says
Claude Baudoin, co-chair of the OMG Business Modeling & Integration
Domain Task Force, and Owner and Principal Consultant at cébé IT and
Knowledge Management.

OMG Chairman and CEO, Dr. Richard Soley, and Technical Director, Larry
L. Johnson, will frame the afternoon with presentations explaining how
OMG IIoT standards provide a foundation for IIoT deployments around the
globe. Additional speakers from BP
, Energistics,
and the Industrial
Internet Consortium®
will address:

  • Upstream Oil & Gas and the Industrial Internet keynote by David R.
    Feineman, BP America, Inc. who will discuss how IIoT is the
    cornerstone of the company’s organizational imperative to create the
    Connected Upstream.
  • The Oil and Gas Digital Engineering Journey presentation, illustrating
    how OMG systems engineering standards can capture and leverage
    information about a product’s performance.
  • Industrial IoT Evolution, Use Cases and Framework in the Oil & Gas
    Industry talk, discussing frameworks and use cases that meet current
    and future requirements for mission-critical, data-driven oil and gas
  • Industrial
    Internet Connectivity Framework
    , Data-Distribution Service™ and
    the Impact on Oil and Gas applications session, describing the
    Industrial Internet Connectivity Framework and its role in Oil and Gas
  • Disruptive Technologies, Adoption Trends and Future Challenges in the
    Oil and Gas Industry panel discussion, featuring the event’s speakers
    exploring how IIoT can optimize the use of oil and gas assets, lower
    costs, and exploit collected data in order to make better decisions.

Registration Information

To view the full agenda and register, visit http://www.omg.org/meetings/la-2017/index2.cgi?noid=yes.
Media can register for a complimentary press pass using the code TCLAP17.

The special event is co-located with the Object Management Group
Technical Meeting (TC), scheduled from September 25-29, 2017. To view
the full TC meeting agenda and register, visit http://www.omg.org/events/la-17/index.htm.

OMG Social Media Channels

Follow the Twitter hashtag #OMGTCNOLA to join the conversation. To learn
about becoming an OMG member, click on http://www.omg.org
or visit us on Facebook,
follow us on Twitter
or connect with us on LinkedIn.

About OMG

The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open
membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium. OMG Task
Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of
technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG's modeling
standards enable powerful visual design, execution and maintenance of
software and other processes. Visit http://www.omg.org
or more information.

Note to editors: Object Management Group and OMG are registered
trademarks of the Object Management Group. For a listing of all OMG
trademarks, visit http://www.omg.org/legal/tm_list.htm.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Object Management Group
Ann McDonough, +1-781-444-0404