NSTA and Shell Unveil the Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge for K-12 Science Educators

Up to $435,000 in Prizes to Be Awarded to Teachers for Finding
Innovative Ways to Deliver Quality Lab Experiences to Students

ARLINGTON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Shell Oil Company
(Shell) today unveiled a new competition for K-12 teachers that will
bring much needed laboratory resources to school districts in select
Shell communities located throughout the U.S. Through the Shell Science
Lab Regional Challenge, teachers will compete for up to $435,000 in
prizes, including school science lab makeover support packages valued at
$10,000 (for the elementary and middle levels) and $15,000 (for the high
school level).

“What these teachers accomplish with limited resources is absolutely
extraordinary,” said Dr. Frazier Wilson, VP Shell Oil Company Foundation
and Manager Workforce Community Strategic Initiatives. “We believe that
learning and innovation go hand in hand. By providing further resources,
this challenge helps to support innovation as well as foster student
excitement about science at an early age.”

“We know that quality science lab experiences are critical, yet far too
many schools have little or no lab equipment, materials or training for
teachers,” said Dr. David Evans, NSTA Executive Director. “The Shell
Science Lab Regional Challenge will provide teachers and their schools
with the equipment they need to properly facilitate their students’
learning, while also providing teachers with the professional
development needed to support high-quality science teaching in the

K-12 science teachers, who have found innovative ways to deliver quality
lab experiences and are located in select
school districts near Shell assets
, will be encouraged to submit
their strategies. Judges will evaluate entries based on various
criteria, including demonstrated science inquiry and innovation in the
classroom with limited equipment; demonstrated impact and engagement
with students and the community; and demonstrated need for additional
professional development and science materials. 36 regional winners will
be selected: 12 at the elementary level, 12 at the middle level, and 12
at the high school level. Of the 36 winners, three grand prize
winners—one at each level—will be selected.

The elementary and middle level regional winners will each receive a
school science lab makeover support package valued at $10,000 and high
school level regional winners will receive a school science lab makeover
support package valued at $15,000. Each grand prize winner will receive
an additional $5,000 of support to attend the NSTA National Conference
on Science Education in St. Louis, Missouri, April 11-14, 2019. The
grand prize winners and their principals will be honored at the Shell
reception and Teachers Awards Gala, taking place during the conference.

For more information about the Shell Science Lab Challenge or to apply,
visit http://www.nsta.org/shellsciencelab/regional.aspx.
Applications must be submitted no later than April 10, 2018.

About NSTA

The Arlington, VA-based National
Science Teachers Association
is the largest professional
organization in the world promoting excellence in science teaching and
learning, preschool through college. NSTA’s membership includes
approximately 55,000 science teachers, science supervisors,
administrators, scientists, business representatives, and others
involved in science education.

About Shell Oil Company

Shell’s commitment to community and social responsibility has been in
place for more than 50 years. During this time, we have contributed more
than a billion dollars to support community, health and welfare,
environmental, arts and cultural activities, various educational
initiatives, including minority education, and diversity and
inclusiveness programs in Houston and the U.S.

FOR INQUIRIES CONTACT: Shell Oil Company Media Line 832-33-SHELL


Kate Falk, 703-312-9211