Future Energy Jobs Act Goes into Effect

New landmark energy legislation results in bill changes for
residential customers, savings and paving the way for the new clean
energy economy

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) went into effect as Illinois law on
June 1st and will result in some immediate savings and a few
line item changes on ComEd residential customer monthly statements.

FEJA, energy legislation that passed the Illinois General Assembly with
broad bipartisan support and was signed into law by Governor Rauner last
year, helps to pivot Illinois to the new clean economy by growing
renewable energy resources and significantly expanding energy efficiency
programs that help customers save energy and money.

The immediate savings on customers billing statements are a result of
the temporary removal of the energy efficiency charge of about $2 per
month and will help offset a new $1 charge that begins in June to
support zero-carbon energy supplied to Illinois.

Beginning in June the following FEJA-related line item changes will
appear on ComEd residential customer monthly statements:

  • Renewable Portfolio Standard
    An existing charge – which
    has been embedded in the supply charge is now a separate line item –
    that helps support the development of residential and commercial
    renewable energy from wind and solar in Illinois.
  • Zero Emission Standard
    This new line item supports
    zero-carbon energy supplied to Illinois.
  • Energy Efficiency Programs
    Beginning in May an existing
    line item with a $2 charge has been set to $0 and temporarily removed
    from bills.

To inform customers and help them understand the changes to their bill,
ComEd is including a fact
sheet within customer bills
to be mailed out throughout the
month of June.

FEJA’s benefits will ramp up over the next several years, for more
information about the components and benefits of FEJA, please visit www.futureenergyjobsact.com.

Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon
Corporation (NYSE: EXC), the nation’s leading competitive energy
provider, with 2015 revenues of approximately $34.5 billion. ComEd
provides service to approximately 3.9 million customers across northern
Illinois, or 70 percent of the state’s population. For more information
and connect with the company on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


ComEd Media Relations