EIPC Planning Authorities Elect New Officers

HOLYOKE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today the electric system planning authorities that formed the Eastern
Interconnection Planning Collaborative (EIPC) announced the election of
Stephen Rourke, Vice President, System Planning at ISO New England, to
be the Chairman of the EIPC Executive Committee through 2018. Keith
Daniel, Senior Vice President of Transmission Policy at Georgia
Transmission Corporation, was elected to serve as Vice-Chairman.

The EIPC was formed by Eastern Interconnection Planning Authorities to
conduct interconnection-wide transmission analysis. The EIPC has
successfully completed a U.S. Department of Energy-funded analysis of
the electric transmission system in eastern North America looking 20
years into the future, as well as an analysis of the interface between
the electric transmission system and the natural gas delivery system.
The EIPC also develops transmission system models of combined regional
transmission plans and performs scenario analysis on those combined
models to identify stress points on the system and identify gaps in the
combined plans. The collaborative’s Executive Committee provides
strategic leadership to EIPC’s continuing studies.

“Interregional power system planning is a critical element in the work
being done by every power system in the entire Eastern Interconnection
to ensure that the individual systems and the whole interconnection
continue to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective electricity to
the millions of homes and businesses between the Atlantic Ocean and the
Rocky Mountains,” said Rourke. “The EIPC is a unique and invaluable
organization, well positioned to address the challenges stemming from
the rapid transformation of the power industry, and I am looking forward
to the opportunity to contribute to this effort.”

Rourke has served as Vice President, System Planning for ISO New England
since 2006, having previously served as the company’s Director,
Reliability & Operations Services. With over 35 years of experience in
operation and planning of the New England bulk power system and
operation and administration of the region’s wholesale power markets,
Rourke oversees ISO New England’s regional and interregional planning
process. Those responsibilities include development of the biennial
Regional System Plan, analysis of new transmission and generation
projects for New England, implementation of the generator
interconnection process, development of ISO findings for transmission
cost allocation, the execution of regional economic planning studies
requested by stakeholders, and operation and support of the Forward
Capacity Market in New England. Rourke previously served in support of
the New England Power Pool as Chairman of both the Reliability and
Transmission committees.

Before joining ISO New England, Rourke managed the Rhode Island-Eastern
Massachusetts-Vermont Energy Control center (REMVEC) in Westborough, MA,
and served as manager of marketing operations for Northeast
Utilities/Select Energy in Berlin, CT. He currently serves as a member
of the Board of Trustees for Western New England University (WNEU) in
Springfield, MA, and is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

As Senior Vice President of Transmission Policy for Georgia Transmission
Corporation, Daniel is responsible for directing transmission policy
issues, both internal to Georgia Transmission and its members and those
involving external parties and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
He also is responsible for Georgia Transmission’s planning functions,
tariff and related issues, generation interconnections, system
protection, and the system reliability area. He represents Georgia
Transmission on various groups including the North American Transmission
Forum, EIPC, and the Southeastern Regional Transmission Planning process.

A native of the Atlanta, Georgia area, Daniel received his Bachelor of
Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his
MBA from Georgia State University. Daniel started his professional
career with Southwire Company in Carrollton, Georgia. He has been with
Georgia Transmission since 1988 and has served in various planning
related capacities, including managing the load serving and bulk system
planning areas. Daniel is a member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and is a registered professional engineer in
the state of Georgia. He is married with three sons and is an active
member of Journey Church.

About the EIPC

Formed under an agreement by 20 planning authorities from the Eastern
United States and Canada, the EIPC has developed a “bottom-up” approach
to transmission planning, starting with a roll-up of the existing grid
expansion plans of electric system planning authorities in the Eastern
Interconnection. The EIPC membership includes Alcoa Power Generating,
Inc.; Associated Electric Coorperative, Inc.; Duke Energy Carolinas,
Duke Energy Florida, and Duke Energy Progress; Louisville Gas and
Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company; Florida Power & Light
Company; Georgia Transmission Corporation (An Electric Membership
Corporation); ISO New England, Inc.; JEA; Midcontinent Independent
Transmission System Operator, Inc.; Municipal Electric Authority of
Georgia; New York Independent System Operator, Inc.; PJM
Interconnection; PowerSouth Energy Cooperative; South Carolina Electric
& Gas Company; South Carolina Public Service Authority; Southern Company
Services Inc., as agent for Alabama Power Company, Georgia Power
Company, Gulf Power Company, and Mississippi Power Company; Southwest
Power Pool, Inc.; and the Tennessee Valley Authority.

For more information, visit eipconline.com.


David Whiteley, 314-753-6200
EIPC Executive Director
[email protected]