DLoFre’s SIROnoMINKA (White Minka), a Meditation Lodging with a Feel for Japan’s Original Vistas, Is Set to Open
A proposal for a slower life, with a challenge for 100% Renewable
(White Minka), located in a tranquil pastoral setting within Hamamatsu
City's Miyakoda, is set to open in May of 2018 as a destination for
non-Japanese tourists.
The building itself is a unique melding of wooden textures and
rediscovered ancient techniques that offers guests the comfort of vistas
that call to mind a Japan of old while relaxing in comfortable mountain
breezes. Close your eyes and you can sense the vitality of the local
residents. Both your body and soul will be replete with natural energy
after a breakfast that focuses on locally grown fruits and vegetables.
You will come to greet yourself, in the gentle air, and reclaim what is
most important. The lodging allows you to return to daily life with a
lighter soul.
Construction is a construction company local to Miyakoda that
specializes in custom-ordered wooden homes. Aiming to revitalize an area
hard hit by the effects of an increasingly aging population, we
established a new brand, "DLoFre's", to help make our lifestyles even
more beautiful. We operate a slower life space, DLoFre's Campus, where
furniture stores and cafes have opened to promote a more proper way of
All of the energy used on DLoFre's Campus is green power, generated with
natural sources, including wind and solar energy. For more information
of this effort is on the website of NAZCA: Global Climate Action
established by the United Nations. http://climateaction.unfccc.int/company/miyakoda-construction-co-ltd
We have also begun an effort to supply all the energy needs for 67
households in the region, approximately 376,000 kWh per year, with 100%
renewable energy this year. We are implementing climate change
strategies not merely for our own company but for the region as a whole,
to create a more sustainable society. We are presently using Green Power
Certificates but we aim, within a few years, to be able to create our
own renewable energy.
The original source-language text of this announcement is the official,
authoritative version. Translations are provided as an accommodation
only, and should be cross-referenced with the source-language text,
which is the only version of the text intended to have legal effect.
Miyakoda Construction Co., Ltd.
Yoko Muraoka, +81-53-428-2750