Daifuku Airport Technologies Mobile Inspection Table Beats Thanksgiving Rush at Dallas Love Field Airport

DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Daifuku Airport Technologies (ATec), a leading provider of airport
baggage handling systems, announced today its Mobile Inspection Table
(MIT) system has gone live at Dallas Love Field Airport (DAL). This
project was initiated to expand baggage search capacity for the existing
in-line baggage screening system. Flexibility of the MIT system
facilitated a phased approach to the expansion project without impacting
daily operations. The current phase went live November 16, 2017 and
increased the number of TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
search stations from eight to ten. The final system configuration,
scheduled for completion in March 2018, will include sixteen new search
stations, 44 MIT’s, and enhanced bag tag identification.

MITs are mobile robots that provide a customized solution for optimal
flexibility and improved workspace efficiency. MITs are a quiet, safe,
and scalable approach to the checked bag reconciliation area. MITs also
offer a “goods to person” ergonomics approach by delivering bags
directly to TSA agents, eliminating lifting, twisting or turning. Bags
are searched directly while on the MIT’s stainless-steel surface and
routed automatically back to the appropriate conveyor system after

“As part of our continued commitment to lead the evolution of the
airport experience, Dallas Love Field is always looking for newer,
better and faster technology to reach new heights in terms of economy of
scale. We successfully hosted an influx of travelers during the
Thanksgiving holiday, and with our new Mobile Inspection Table robotic
technology, were able to process a record number of bags with greater
efficiency than ever before. The new system and our dedicated partners
at TSA enabled us to have a smooth and secure screening process,
enhancing the overall customer experience at Dallas Love Field” says Tim
Smith, Logistics and Systems Manager at Dallas Love Field Airport.

Daifuku ATec provides baggage handling systems and Operation &
Maintenance services at hundreds of airports globally.

About Daifuku Airport Technologies

Airport Technologies
is the global airport business division of
Daifuku Co. Ltd., the world’s largest material handling company and
leading provider of airport baggage handling systems such as BAGgate™
automated bag drop, Baggage Tray System, Tilt Tray Sorter, Standard 3
Integration, Mobile Inspection Table, WebbView®, Sym3 and Airflow G5.
Daifuku Airport Technologies consists of BCS Group, Daifuku Logan, Ltd.,
Elite Line Services, Inc., Jervis B. Webb Company and Logan Teleflex,
Inc. Daifuku Airport Technologies specializes in the design,
engineering, manufacture, installation and servicing of airport systems

WebbView is a registered trademark of Jervis B. Webb Company. BAGgate is
a trademark of BCS Group


Daifuku Airport Technologies
Laurie Hauer
419-7394 – Office