ComEd and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Award Grants to Advance Public Safety Initiatives in 25 Northern Illinois Communities
More than $200,000 in grants to fund 25 local safety initiatives
CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ComEd and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus have come together to award Powering
Safe Communities grants to 25 Illinois municipalities – each
receiving up to $10,000 to fund local public safety projects.
In the program’s third year, ComEd has increased both funding and the
number of projects supported through their Powering Safe Communities Program.
“ComEd serves nearly 4 million customers throughout northern Illinois,
and our dedication to these customers goes beyond providing energy to
power their everyday lives. Keeping our communities safe is ComEd’s
number one priority, and therefore, we knew it was essential to expand
the program this year in order to help communities maximize the impact
of their public safety initiatives,” said Fidel Marquez, Senior Vice
President of Governmental and External Affairs, ComEd.
These grants will provide additional resources to help each winning
municipality improve the efficiency and delivery of public safety
programs, increase community resiliency, and address unmet safety needs.
The Metropolitan Planning Council reviewed all of the applications, and
grants of up to $10,000 were offered to support the most innovative,
impactful, and essential public safety projects.
“From purchasing lifejackets at a community pool to installing a new
emergency tornado siren, all of the municipalities receiving grants
through this program have proposed innovative ideas to help enhance
safety for the people they serve. We commend them for championing this
important effort,” said Marquez.
The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, a regional council of governments that
fosters collaboration to improve the quality of life for communities in
the region, will administer the Powering Safe Communities grants.
“Municipal governments throughout the area are constantly seeking
resourceful ways to keep their communities safe. We applaud the tireless
work of our public servants who are dedicated to assuring the safety and
well-being of community members where they live and work,” said Jim
Holland, Mayors Caucus Executive Board Chairman and Mayor of Frankfort.
“Thanks to ComEd’s generous partnership, over two-dozen municipalities
will be able to address unmet safety concerns, thereby protecting both
public servants and the residents they serve.”
Additional information on the Powering Safe Communities Program
can be found here:
The 25 Powering Safe Communities grant recipients for 2017 are:
Village of Ashton
The Village of Ashton’s grant will support the purchase of information
display signs that will protect the lives of residents, guests, and
those passing through the Village in emergency situations and during
Village of Beach Park
The Village of Beach Park’s grant will help support the purchase and
installation of an outdoor early warning siren system. The funding
received will be used for the research and bidding process, purchase of
the controlling equipment and two sirens, and the installation of the
sirens. The Village currently has no outdoor warning siren system.
Village of Brookfield Police Department
The Village of Brookfield Police Department’s grant will fund the
purchase and installation of high-quality HD video cameras in selected
locations throughout the Village. The cameras will enhance public safety
efforts in the community, giving residents a sense of security and
allowing law enforcement to follow-up on incidents that may jeopardize
public safety.
Village of Buffalo Grove Police Department
The Village of Buffalo Grove Police Department’s grant will be used to
fund the installation of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in
patrol vehicles, increasing the chance of survival for those who
experience cardiac arrest. The Police Department’s goal is to add one
AED to their patrol fleet each year.
Village of Burr Ridge
The Village of Burr Ridge’s grant will fund the installation of two new
flashing beacons adjacent to the existing Wolf Road pedestrian crossing.
The crossing is located between Pleasantdale Middle School and the
Walker Park Recreation Center. The beacons will be placed to provide
increased pedestrian visibility and advanced warning to motorists that
pedestrians will be entering the crosswalk.
DeKalb Park District
The DeKalb Park District’s grant will fund two public safety initiatives
at Hopkins Pool. The first will purchase personal floatation devices
(life jackets) that will be made available at no charge to pool users
during open swim, as well as for educational programs during swim
lessons. The second initiative will overhaul the public address system
at the facility for making safety and evacuation announcements.
Village of Elmwood Park
The Village of Elmwood Park’s grant will fund the purchase of a
radar speed/traffic collection device and LED traffic control signs to
post around the neighborhood’s parks and schools. The device and signs
will keep drivers attentive of their speed as they enter areas populated
with children.
Fox Lake Police Department
The Fox Lake Police Department’s grant will fund the purchase of three
Aluminum Custom Ford Interceptor Mobile Command Centers that will be
installed in the trunks of command cars and can be utilized as tactical
operation centers during multijurisdictional police activities.
Village of Franklin Park Fire Department
The Village of Franklin Park Fire Department’s grant will fund the
replacement of two Thermal Imaging Cameras (TICs). The TICs will allow
the Fire Department to conduct faster searches in order to locate
possible victims for rapid maximizing the survivability of those
victims. In addition, the TICs can be a vital tool in the identification
of live power lines located near fallen trees, especially during severe
Village of Glencoe
The Village of Glencoe’s grant will fund the purchase of multiple solar
powered, pole mounted vehicle activated message displays that will
provide a cautionary reminder to drivers. The displays will be placed
throughout the Village in areas with higher concentrations of traffic,
with particular attention paid to park and school district facilities.
Village of Hawthorn Woods
The Village of Hawthorn Woods’ grant will support the purchase of
Livescan Technology for the Hawthorn Woods Police Department. Livescan
is an inkless, electronic means of capturing fingerprints in a
digitalized format and then transmitting them to the Illinois State
Police and/or the FBI. The technology will eliminate the Police
Department’s use of costly, outdated, and less secure alternatives.
City of Highland Park
The City of Highland Park’s grant will support the purchase of 45 voice
amplification units which will attach to respirators used by
firefighters during atmospherically hazardous emergency responses. These
units will replace existing voice amplification units which are failing,
and they will allow the firefighters to communicate with one another,
especially in emergency conditions with loud ambient noise.
Lake Forest Fire Department
The Lake Forest Fire Department’s grant will support the replacement and
expansion of Thermal Imaging Cameras (TICs) for department operations.
The acquisition of new TICs will allow the Fire Department to conduct
faster searches in order to locate possible victims for rapid removal,
maximizing the survivability of those victims. In addition, the TICs can
be a vital tool in the identification of live power lines located near
fallen trees, especially during severe weather.
Village of Lincolnshire
The Village of Lincolnshire’s grant will fund the purchase of four LED
“School Speed Zone” signs and two LED school crossing signs.
Village of Lincolnwood
The Village of Lincolnwood’s grant will fund the purchase of two patrol
bicycles so the Police Department can ensure safe passage for residents
and visitors utilizing the bike paths that were constructed in late
2016. The grant will also fund the purchase of a panic button and
automated external defibrillator (AED) to be placed inside of the
vestibule in the public area of the Police Department. The device can be
utilized by visitors during emergency situations when the building is
not staffed.
Village of Lyons
The Village of Lyons’ grant will support the installation of four
flashing LED pedestrian crossing signs at the intersections of Ogden
Avenue/Shakespeare Avenue and Lawndale Avenue/42nd Street.
These intersections receive heavy pedestrian traffic because of their
proximity to the Cook County Forest Preserve Salt Creek Trail System and
various public parks. These beacon signals will use pedestrian
activation buttons to engage pedestrian traffic and keep drivers aware
of hazard signs.
Village of McCullom Lake
The Village of McCullom Lake’s grant will support the purchase of a new
emergency/tornado siren. The Village’s current siren was damaged beyond
repair by a lightning storm in the spring of 2015.
Orland Park Police Department
The Orland Park Police Department’s grant will help fund the Village’s
Residential Burglary Reduction Program through the acquisition and
placement of ten surveillance cameras. The cameras will aid in the
identification and apprehension of felonious offenders by allowing
investigators to view encrypted video from reported burglaries in real
Palatine Police Department
The Palatine Police Department’s grant will fund the acquisition of
electronic display message boards that will assist the Village in
directing substantial pedestrian and vehicular traffic at over 30 major
outdoor events throughout the year. The message boards will free police
officers from informational posts, allowing them to be placed at more
critical safety/security or busy traffic direction assignments.
Village of Richton Park Police Department
The Village of Richton Park Police Department’s grant will fund the
purchase of Crime Fighter BEAST, a current day, user-friendly and widely
accepted property/evidence inventory system. Crime Fighter BEAST will
replace an outdated records system that makes the process of evidence
collection and documentation complicated and time-consuming.
Village of South Chicago Heights
The Village of South Chicago Heights’ grant will support the purchase of
a 12 Lead Cardiac Monitor, a life-saving cardiac monitor/defibrillator,
for their Fire Department. The vital tool will be used in the
Department’s Advanced Life Support ambulance to perform lifesaving
procedures on patients in critical condition and send vital patient
information to the transporting hospitals.
Village of Steger Police Department
The Village of Steger Police Department’s grant will support the
purchase of a handheld thermal imaging camera. The Village is surrounded
by Forest Preserve and heavily wooded land, making searching for victims
and/or offenders difficult at night. The camera will enhance officers’
ability to serve and protect the community, as well as help officer
safety-related issues.
Village of Summit
The Village of Summit’s grant will fund the purchase of lifesaving smoke
and carbon monoxide detectors for seniors in the community. In addition
to providing the aging population of Summit with the detectors, the Fire
Department plans to train seniors on how to use them, thereby reducing
accidental deaths and injuries.
Thornton Fire Department
The Thornton Fire Department’s grant will support the purchase of a
Stryker Power Cot for one of their ambulances. The power cot uses a
battery-powered hydraulic system that raises and lowers patients without
paramedic assistance. The device virtually eliminates patient drops,
greatly enhancing the safety of both patients and paramedics.
City of West Chicago
The City of West Chicago’s grant will help support the installation of a
new outdoor warning siren in the area of Atlantic Drive and Illinois
Route 64. There are currently seven warning sirens in the fifteen square
miles of West Chicago, but none cover the proposed area.
About Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is a membership organization of the
Chicago region’s 275 cities, towns and villages. Founded in 1997 by then
Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and leading mayors from nine suburban
municipal groups, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus pushes past
geographical boundaries and local interests to work on public policy
issues. The caucus provides a forum for metropolitan Chicago’s chief
elected officials to collaborate on common problems and work toward a
common goal of improving the quality of life for the millions of people
who call the region home. For more information visit
About ComEd
Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon
Corporation (NYSE: EXC), the nation’s leading competitive energy
provider, with approximately 10 million customers. ComEd provides
service to approximately 3.9 million customers across northern Illinois,
or 70 percent of the state’s population. For more information visit,
and connect with the company on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
MMC Contact:
Edith Makra
[email protected]
Hannah Mills
[email protected]