Clean Energy to Supply Dallas Fort Worth International Airport with Renewable Natural Gas

DFW Becomes First Airport Outside California to Use Redeem™ RNG

Energy Fuels Corp
. (Nasdaq: CLNE)
announced today at the Airports Going Green 2017 conference, that host
airport Dallas Fort Worth International (DFW) Airport awarded Clean
Energy a renewable natural gas (RNG) fueling contract for the airport’s
vehicle fleet
. The contract calls for Clean Energy to provide the
airport with its Redeem™
brand of RNG, the first renewable and commercially available vehicle
fuel made entirely from 100% organic waste. The use of RNG has the
potential to reduce DFW fleet emissions by approximately 70%.

In addition to the fueling agreement, Clean Energy and DFW extended the
current operations
and maintenance
agreement for the airport’s public natural gas
fueling stations. The contract stations dispense approximately 2 million
gasoline gallon equivalents (GGEs) each year.

“We continue to see strong interest in our Redeem RNG product,” said
Tyler Henn, vice president and general manager of Clean Energy
Renewables. “Businesses and municipalities are learning that by fueling
with RNG you not only get a cleaner fuel but you get a fuel that is
domestically produced and more economical.”

DFW is the only airport in the United States to be certified as Carbon
Neutral and the largest airport in the world with that distinction. It
will become the first airport outside of California to use Redeem™ RNG.

“DFW has a strong commitment to sustainability, and we will continue to
look for innovative ways to reduce our emissions, while improving the
customer experience,” said Robert Horton, DFW’s Vice President of
Environmental Affairs. “Using RNG for our fleet of vehicles will help us
reduce our carbon footprint and our operating costs. It makes good
business sense.”

Clean Energy conducted the design,
, operations and maintenance for the airport’s first natural
gas fueling station in 2000 and was selected to build and operate the
second station in 2011.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. is the leading provider of natural gas
fuel for transportation in North America. We build and operate CNG and
LNG vehicle fueling stations; manufacture CNG and LNG equipment and
technologies; and deliver more CNG and LNG vehicle fuel than any other
company in the U.S. Clean Energy is also the country’s largest supplier
of RNG and believes its Redeem™ RNG fuel is the cleanest transportation
fuel commercially available, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to
70%. For more information, visit


Clean Energy Media Contact:
Jason Johnston
Energy Investor Contact:
Tony Kritzer