Cintas Distribution Center in Reno Earns TRUE Certification for Zero Waste Initiatives

(NASDAQ: CTAS) today announced that its distribution
center in Reno has received Gold under the TRUE
(Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Zero Waste certification system
administered by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI).
The Reno facility was certified Gold as a result of diverting at least
90 percent of its waste stream from landfill and incineration, having a
zero waste policy in place and meeting the TRUE Zero Waste certification
requirements over the past 12 months.

ÔÇ£This recognition for the Reno DC represents another big step in our
corporate zero-waste-to-landfill journey,ÔÇØ said Terri Cain, Vice
President of Distribution, Cintas. ÔÇ£From reusing packing materials to
being more conscious about materials that can be recycled, the Reno team
has made a concerted effort to review its waste strategy and make
improvements wherever possible. We look forward to replicating the
facilityÔÇÖs innovative strategies in other Cintas distribution centers.ÔÇØ

The goal for businesses participating in the TRUE Zero Waste
certification is to divert all end-use materials from the landfill,
incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment. Cintas launched its
initiatives in 2013 and has since had six distribution locations
certified. The company is also working to expand a model of its
zero-waste-to-landfill program for its rental laundry plants and rental

ÔÇ£With yet another TRUE certification under its belt, Cintas has again
demonstrated that it values responsible waste management,ÔÇØ said
Stephanie Barger, Director, Market Transformation & Development, TRUE
Zero Waste Program. ÔÇ£By meeting the programÔÇÖs zero waste requirements,
the Reno DC is helping to greatly limit the creation of new waste while
also diverting additional materials from our nationÔÇÖs landfills.ÔÇØ

For more information about Cintas, visit

For more information about TRUE Zero Waste certification, visit

About Cintas Corporation:

Cintas Corporation helps over one million businesses of all types and
sizes get READYÔäó to open their doors with confidence every day by
providing a wide range of products and services that enhance our
customersÔÇÖ image and help keep their facilities and employees clean,
safe and looking their best. With products and services including
uniforms, mats, mops, restroom supplies, first aid and safety products,
fire extinguishers and testing, and safety and compliance training,
Cintas helps customers get Ready for the Workday®. Headquartered
in Cincinnati, Cintas is a publicly held company traded over the Nasdaq
Global Select Market under the symbol CTAS and is a component of both
the Standard & PoorÔÇÖs 500 Index and Nasdaq-100 Index.

About Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)

GBCI is the premier organization independently recognizing excellence in
green business industry performance and practice globally. Established
in 2008, GBCI exclusively administers project certifications and
professional credentials and certificates within the framework of the
U.S. Green Building CouncilÔÇÖs Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) green building rating systems, as well as the PEER
standard for power systems, the WELL building standard, the Sustainable
SITES Initiative (SITES), Parksmart, EDGE (Excellence in Design for
Greater Efficiencies), TRUE Zero Waste certification, Investor
Confidence Project (ICP) for energy efficiency retrofits and the GRESB
benchmark, which is used by institutional investors to improve the
sustainability performance of the global property sector.


Jess Messenger
Mulberry Marketing Communications
[email protected]