Cabot Norit Activated Carbon Introduces Interactive Carbon Selection Tool for Sediment Remediation Applications

Quickly evaluate the performance and efficacy of Cabot NORIT®
SedimentPureÔäó powdered and granular activated carbons

(NYSE: CBT) today announced the availability of the
SedimentPureÔäó Activated Carbon Calculator
, an interactive online
modeling tool designed to assist engineers, regulators and stakeholders
in evaluating in situ sediment remediation options using
activated carbon-based reactive caps and permeable reactive barriers.
Activated carbon has been identified as an effective material for
contaminant sequestration of chlorinated contaminants, such as
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs) from sediment pore water.

This modeling tool, developed by CabotÔÇÖs research and development team,
leverages the CAPSIM
developed by Dr.
Danny Reible, Texas Tech University
, for evaluating cap and in-situ
treatment performance in sediment remediation projects. It is a robust,
easy-to-use tool that can provide early guidance to engineers on
potential remediation solutions for a contaminated site using Cabot
NORIT SedimentPure activated carbons
. The Cabot research and
development team ran over 500 CAPSIM Model simulations using a range of
real life scenarios to show the efficacy of activated carbon reactive
cap layers in remedial designs. The calculator output has a coefficient
of determination (R2) value of 94%, indicating that it is
highly predictive of the CAPSIM Model for the selected activated carbon
and parameter range of key variables such as activated carbon percent
(by weight applied in the cap layer), upwelling rate (cm/day), cap
thickness (cm) and design lifetime of the cap in years.

ÔÇ£Our SedimentPure Activated Carbon Calculator simplifies the complexity
of the CAPSIM Model under a set of actual field scenarios,ÔÇØ said David
Flannery, global marketing manager, Purification Solutions segment. ÔÇ£It
also provides instruction regarding factors that influence the
performance and efficacy of activated carbon in different forms under a
range of typical site conditions.ÔÇØ

To learn more about CabotÔÇÖs SedimentPure Activated Carbon Calculator,
view the video tutorial at:
Access to the SedimentPure Activated Carbon Calculator tool can also be
requested at

Download product application information and data sheets:

Cabot Norit Activated
Carbon is a global leader in the research, development, manufacturing
and sale of high-performing activated carbon used in a growing range of
environmental, health, safety and industrial applications. Our activated
carbon products effectively remove pollutants, contaminants and other
impurities from water, air, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals and
more. These products are also used as colorants, carriers and catalysts
in industrial processes. In addition to our over 150 activated carbon
formulations, we also provide activated carbon solutions through on-site
equipment and services, including activated carbon injection systems,
mobile water filter units and carbon reactivation services.

Cabot Corporation (NYSE: CBT) is a
global specialty chemicals and performance materials company,
headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. The company is a leading
provider of rubber
and specialty
, activated
, inkjet
, cesium
formate drilling fluids
, masterbatches
and conductive compounds
, fumed
, and aerogel.
For more information on Cabot, please visit the companyÔÇÖs website

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995: Statements in the press release regarding Cabot's business that
are not historical facts are forward looking statements that involve
risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and
uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from those
contained in the forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K.


Cabot Corporation
Vanessa Craigie, 617-342-6015
Steve Delahunt, 617-342-6255