Bonnie Eckhart is new ExxonMobil Port Allen Cluster manager
ExxonMobil has named Bonnie Eckhart as manager of its Port Allen Cluster, which includes the Port Allen Lubricants Plant and Port Allen Aviation Plant in Port Allen, Louisiana, U.S.A.
The Port Allen Lubricants Cluster employs more than 200 company and contractor personnel. The lubricants facility, which was built in 1990, is the fourth-largest ExxonMobil lubricants facility in the world. The aviation facility opened in 2015 and began commercial production in 2016.
Eckhart, whose official title is Port Allen Cluster manager, midstream, lubricants operations Americas, ExxonMobil Refining & Supply Co., succeeds Scott Gleason. Gleason has moved to the ExxonMobil Houston campus as Americas Lubricants operations support manager.
Eckhart joined ExxonMobil in 2002 as a chemist at its Beaumont Lubricants Plant. She served in various regional technical, controllers and Lubricants marketing roles until assuming the role of operations manager at the Port Allen Lubricants Plant in 2015. She returned to Houston, Texas, U.S.A., in 2018 as Lubricants Automotive Category change manager and assumed the Americas Manufacturing Region Lubricants operations support manager role in 2019.