Aral piloting new low-carbon fuels with 30% renewable content
Aral is piloting two new low-carbon fuels in Germany – Aral Futura Super 95 and Aral Futura Diesel. Both fuels reduce CO2 emissions compared to pure fossil fuels by at least 25% and contain at least 30% of high-quality renewable components, including a significant share of advanced renewable components.
They are now publicly available for customers at one Aral station in Berlin and one in Düsseldorf. The first official fill of a passenger car occurred on November 22 at the Berlin Holzmarktstraße site in the presence of Oliver Luksic, parliamentary state secretary of the Federal Department for Digital Affairs and Transport.
With around 2,400 retail sites, Aral is No.1 in Germany, the most important European retail site market. Since 2002, Aral has been bp’s German retail site brand.
“We believe that petrol and diesel fuels that save CO2 emissions can play an important role in the energy transition of transport – even as it continues to broader vehicle electrification and the diversification of drives such as bio-LNG, bio-CNG and hydrogen in heavy-duty transport. With our new fuels, we demonstrate what is already possible within the existing fuels standards today,” said Patrick Wendeler, CEO of Aral AG.
“Advanced biofuels are an important technology for reducing greenhouse gases in road transport. In parallel with the ramp-up of e-mobility, they are an effective lever for significantly reducing CO2 emissions in existing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. We very much welcome the fact that Aral is offering a standard-compliant fuel with a high share of renewable components,” said Oliver Luksic, parliamentary state secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport.
According to Statistisches Bundesamt, the transport sector is currently estimated to account for more than 25% of all CO2 emissions in the European Union. Reducing its emissions is essential to help reach Germany’s targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions – that include CO2 – by 65% (compared to 1990) by 2030. It is predicted that two-thirds of transportation will remain ICE-powered in 2030, so reducing carbon emissions from fuel is key. The obligation for distributors of petrol and diesel fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions increases continuously to 25% in 2030. One option for meeting the obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is blending biofuels into fossil fuels.
Aral Futura fuels demonstrate that a CO2 reduction of at least 25% compared to pure fossil fuels is technically possible by blending in renewable components and still meets the current standards DIN EN 590 (diesel) and DIN EN 228 (petrol). Existing vehicles can make its contribution to achieving the climate targets – today as well as in 2030 – through the fuel itself. Aral Futura fuels offer customers driving a vehicle with an internal combustion engine (conventional or hybrid) an option beyond current E10 petrol or B7 diesel fuel to play a part in contributing to the energy transition today – without any modification to their vehicle, provided it can run on E10 or B7 fuel.
Aral Futura fuels also contain the proven Aral Anti-Schmutz-Formel, the engine cleaning effect of which is certified by TÜV-Rheinland. It cleans away existing dirt from critical engine parts and protects against its build-up, contributing to the care of the engine.
Besides the growth of lower carbon fuels for existing ICE vehicles, Aral has set itself the goal to grow an infrastructure that supports decarbonization of transport, e. g. through EV chargers, bio-LNG/bio CNG, and hydrogen. With 1,000 charging points, Aral already runs Germany’s largest publicly accessible ultra-fast charging network today – Aral pulse – providing fast, reliable charging infrastructure in convenient locations.