ANGUS adds Corrguard Flex to its metalworking fluid additives product line
ANGUS Chemical Company, a leading manufacturer and marketer of nitroalkanes and their derivatives based in Buffalo Grove, Ill., launched CORRGUARD FLEX, a new primary amino alcohol product.
CORRGUARD FLEX is a globally-compliant, multifunctional additive that extends the life of metalworking fluids. The product also offers excellent neutralization, effective pH control, and is compatible with a wide range of biocides, the company said.
CORRGUARD FLEX is easy to formulate, broadly registered with low secondary amines (less than 0.2%), and designed for enhanced flexibility, enabling metalworking fluid manufacturers to optimize the functionality of their formulations.
“CORRGUARD FLEX is ANGUS’ latest innovation for the metalworking fluids market,” said Mike Lewis, business vice president of ANGUS. “It was developed in response to customers’ input and will enable metalworking fluid manufacturers to design products with extended life beyond many alternatives available today.”