Afton completes phase 3 expansion of Singapore additive plant
Afton Chemical Corporation, a global leader in the lubricant and fuel additive market, has completed its phase 3 expansion to add Gasoline Performance Additives (GPA) blending capabilities at its Singapore Chemical Additive Manufacturing Facility in Jurong Island, Singapore.
The expansion is in line with Afton Chemical’s “Made In“’ strategy that focuses on effective localized supply chain solutions to its customers in Asia.
The first GPA blending unit in Asia Pacific by Afton Chemical complements its global network of blending and terminal operations in the Americas and Europe. The unit and its capabilities will provide the additional infrastructure required to support the company’s long-term global growth plans and meet the increasing demand for gasoline additives in the region. Demand for gasoline performance additives in Asia Pacific is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4% through 2024, according to Afton Chemical when the investment decision was announced two years ago.
“The GPA new blending unit is now fully operational, and we completed our first commercial fulfillment to a key customer. We have now connected our manufacturing and blending capacities globally, supporting regional and global business continuity. It will also provide security of supply and shorter lead times for our customers,” said Kevin Keller, vice president, Global Supply, Afton Chemical Corporation. “This is critical during this period where global supply chains are so disrupted and is testament to our ongoing investment strategy around enhanced supply chain solutions.”
The decision to continue with the phase 3 investment was due to the integrated petrochemical hub in Singapore and trade connectivity to all parts of Asia and the Middle East, Afton Chemical said.
“We are committed to developing cost-effective and differentiated GPA solutions ‘Made For’ the region. This addition to our supply network ensures that the total solution combining “Made For” and “Made In” will help provide our customers with a competitive edge in their markets,” said Sean Spencer, vice president and managing director of Afton Chemical Asia.
Afton Chemical began its Singapore manufacturing operations in May 2016, when it announced the phase I opening of its Jurong Island plant. Afton Chemical invested approximately SGD400 million (USD292 million) in phases 1 and 2 of the Singapore Chemical Additive Manufacturing Facility. The investment in phase 3 is USD9 million.