Enel signs clean coal technology accord with China

Italy’s power utility Enel has signed two cooperation agreements with China, one for the exchange of clean coal technology such as carbon capture and storage and another for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Enel said it believed China could cut its estimated 4 billion metric tons per year (mtpy) of CO2 emissions by 1 billion mtpy, if all its power plants installed carbon capture and storage technology similar to that used at Enel’s Torrevaldaliga super critical coal plant. The first agreement is a memorandum of understanding between China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Italy’s Ministry for the Environment. A second agreement with China’s Wuhan Iron & Steel Company involves Enel supporting five energy efficiency projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by 11.5 million metric tons between 2008 and 2015. (May 12, 2008)