Save Our Water Kicks Off Statewide Summer Public Education Campaign

“Small Changes. Big Impact” Campaign Encourages Continued Conservation

Our Water
, California’s official statewide water conservation
education program, has launched its statewide late-summer public
education campaign, “Small Changes. Big Impact.” The campaign emphasizes
the importance of simple daily habits and easy permanent changes
Californians can make both in and outside of the house. Much like the
habit of recycling bottles and cans, the goal of becoming water
efficient can start with the smallest of changes.

Paid media campaign elements – including radio ads, digital, and social
media efforts – will be seen and heard by millions throughout the state.
Weather and traffic sponsorships on radio stations kicked off the week
of Aug. 7 and will run into September. Thirty-second radio ads launched
Aug. 14 and will also run into September.

“Californians remain committed to water conservation and are embracing
wise water use as a daily habit,” said Jennifer Persike, Deputy
Executive Director of External Affairs for the Association of California
Water Agencies. “From taking shorter showers and installing water
efficient toilets to fixing leaks to transforming landscapes with
California friendly plants, Californians are showing that small changes
can have a big impact on saving water, rain or shine.”

Digital and social media channels were strong, dynamic tools for Save
Our Water’s spring campaign, reaching Californians more than 10 million
times. The current campaign will continue to build off that strong
performance. Utilizing rich media including all-new video
, interactive HTML5
web banners
and infographics, these engaging visuals will aim to
promote traffic to the program’s website and inspire social sharing. The
“Small Changes. Big Impact” campaign will also continue to deliver
messages to the inboxes of more than 100,000 Californians through
digital efforts.

“Save Our Water continues to be a great resource for people looking to
make conservation a California lifestyle,” said Niki Woodard, California
Department of Water Resources Deputy Assistant Director of Public
Affairs. “This campaign gives Californians easy, effective tools to
continue conserving water. And it reminds them that their efforts are
still very important.”

Save Our Water aims to give Californians tools and tips to help them
easily conserve at home and at work, every day. Save Our Water connects
with Californians on its Facebook
page, Twitter
and Instagram

Save Our Water is a statewide program aimed at helping Californians
make permanent changes to reduce their everyday water use. Save Our
Water is a partnership between the Association
of California Water Agencies
and the California
Department of Water Resources


Association of California Water Agencies/Save Our Water
Persike, (916) 441-4545 or (916) 296-3981 (cell)
[email protected]
Department of Water Resources
Niki Woodard, (916) 653-4161
[email protected]